
Hi! I'm Cami

I want this to work...but...

Published 15 days ago • 3 min read

Last week in my Get Into Your Body for a Minute Today practice, I shared alternate nostril breathing.

(I share a practice each week on Instagram and Facebook and invite you to check them out if you haven't yet. You can find last week's Here.)

This Pranayama (breath) practice was so fun for me to share because alternate nostril breathing is one that I have been drawn to throughout my healing.....

And it's also always been one that has been so hard for me to do.

Why so hard?

And why keep trying if it's so hard?

The answers to these 2 questions have helped me in my healing.

As I share, I invite you to see if any of my experience resonates with your healing......

Why so Hard?

There are lots of reasons.....

  • I had seasonal allergies that I was ignoring so I was often congested.
  • I kept trying to keep the pace of the person I was practicing with, which sometimes meant that I felt rushed or felt like I was running out of air.
  • I kept hearing other people's experience of doing this and their transformations and I wanted that too.....but come to find out there was a lot more comparing going on that was keeping me stuck.
  • And yet, every where I went it seemed like someone was bringing up this specific breathing practice and I started beating myself up over it about how I wasn't doing it right.

So why was it so fun to share this practice when it's been so hard? 2 things....

1- Because when I find healing in a specific tool, sharing it reminds me of all the nuances I've experienced and I geek out on nuance and healing tools - so ya, it's fun for me. (LOL)

2- Because I know what it's like to be drawn to something that doesn't seem to be working and yet a part of me knows there is something for me....I just haven't figured it out....

(And I know this space can be soooo maddening....I would get so frustrated!! If you have experienced this...I get it...I see you....and you got this....)

And why keep trying if it's so hard?

I would often ask myself that....(with a big eye roll here or little kid screaming fit)

And yet, I was learning that maybe it kept being brought into my life for me so see how mean I was to myself and that just because it - didn't calm me or energize me or balance me - whatever the person told me that day it should do - Maybe, just maybe there was nothing wrong with me and my experience was ok.

I got to practice this over and over again. And the maybes became my reality.

When I noticed I was comparing my transformation (or lack thereof) to someone else's transformation I was no longer in my body. And I gave myself permission to notice this and set all the judgment aside just for a couple more breathes as I got into MY Body.

I learned to follow my own breathing pattern. I could have shorter or longer inhales or exhales. And it was ok if one side was different than the other. I adapted day to day and practice to practice.

And I listened to my body and when my congestion was terrible, I didn't force myself to do the practice. I did something else.

Getting into my body through alternate nostril breathing (or choosing not to do it) healed old wounds and led me to the people I needed to talk to and learn from, so that I no longer have seasonal allergies.

I was able to release traumas that told me it wasn't safe to have needs and told me it was safer to be ignored and safer to ignore myself.

Now I know - and it feels real and true in my body - that....

🌟 I matter.
💕 I can take care of me
🌟 I can have wants and needs and meet those needs.

🌟 It used to be safer to ignore me.
🌟 I don't need that safety anymore.

And when my body and trauma offer up this "safety" now. It doesn't feel like it's my only option.

I have choices.

This breathing tool helped me relearn my choices.

Trauma healing does this, it gives us our choice back.

Do you have a trauma safety pattern that you want to let go of?

You can let go and you can get your choice back.

If you need help, I have some free Internal Power Chat sessions available next week, where I can help you get into your body so you can let go, gain choice and get more internal power as you release your trauma.

Remember, ❤️

You Matter. Your Healing Matters. You Are Worth It!

Hi! I'm Cami

I am a Trauma Informed Embodiment Coach. Healing is possible for women who have trauma. Big T, Little T, Complex, Sexual, Religious, any form of trauma. Check out my content and ways we can work together.

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