
Hi! I'm Cami

National I LOVE My Feet Day!

Published over 1 year ago • 2 min read

Today is National I LOVE My Feet Day!

This is an interesting day for me to want to celebrate. Until last month, I have NOT loved or even liked my feet.


They carried me everywhere I went,

They worked really hard for me,

They supported me,

And I was grateful for them and all they let me do…..

But I didn't love or like them, actually, I just despised them.

I tried not to notice or pay attention to them.

And if anyone else brought attention to them….

My inward response was 'eww...' and I thought they were just really gross.

All. The. Time.

Even if they just came out of a shower all clean.

(My poor feet, they were doing everything they could to be loved by me!) 🙃

Are you noticing yet the energy I had towards my feet?

How they were not really a part of me, just something that came with my body….

Then I got this planters wart on my foot.

It was really painful.

Especially painful when I walked because it was on my heal.

I’m a toe runner, so I could run without pain, but not walk.

And since I only run in the morning, and the rest of the day I walk - I found I was actually running throughout my day or walking on my tippy toes so it wouldn’t hurt.

My feet were screaming for attention.

I decided to use somatic experiencing to pay attention and really ‘feel’ my feet.

I rubbed my feet.

And while rubbing one foot at a time, I told myself:

"This is my foot."

"My foot is part of my body."

"My foot belongs to me."

I first started with my heals, since that was where the pain was, and then I eventually rubbed my whole foot and even my toes.

While doing this, I’d add phrases like,

"My heal is part of my foot….My arch….My toes… All part of my foot...."

These phrases might sound silly and seem obvious.

But to my body,

To my feet,

The feet that I had dissociated from for so long….these phrases and rubbing movements felt like I was coming home. Not at first, because they were still just gross to me....but I kept doing it and by the end of the really felt like coming home.

My feet could feel my fingers and hands rubbing them.

And my fingers and hands could feel my feet,

When at first both were numb to each others touch.

And by the end of the month, I could feel sensation - the felt sensation - on the inside of my body in my feet, hands and fingers.

I not only believed that my feet were part of my body but I really felt them as a part of me.

And now, I can honestly say that I LOVE My Feet!!

- And just as a side note - my planters wart went away at the end of the month.

There is still a scar from the wart.

And each time I see that scar…I feel so connected to my feet and all the support we give each other….

It may sound weird…(Welcome to my Weird and Wacky), 🤪

But I am sooo happy to no longer be dissociated from my feet.

What part of your body, do you not really feel?

Is there a part of your body that you dissociate from?

If you want help doing this somatic exercise to help you come back to your body, get on my calendar or ask about it during our next session.

Hi! I'm Cami

I am a Trauma Informed Embodiment Coach. Healing is possible for women who have trauma. Big T, Little T, Complex, Sexual, Religious, any form of trauma. Check out my content and ways we can work together.

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